Tuesday, December 9, 2008

response to gun control topic

this is in response to classmates blog on gun control at "Our Free* Country"

In light of our recent elections and our President elect's view on gun control - I completely agree with you!I do not believe we should be forced to compromise one of our constitutional rights just to get another! I believe that as long as we follow the guidelines set for owning a firearm, and take the time to educate our children and ourselves in the use and safety then we have every right to own it.I am a parent and I take full responsibility in the education of safety with my boys (and I am the mom!). I completely believe that with common sense and education gun ownership is my right, but it is also a responsibility I don't take lightly. I also believe that if someone doesn't like guns, or believe that we shouldn't have them, then don't own one. I know that if I was put in a situation of self defense I would not have any problem protecting me or my children with a gun.I also know that the criminals will get whatever guns they want and will use them. Our law enforcement should be one step ahead, not behind...but that's another blog!

How much is too much?

In light of our recent question as to whether or not the Bush Administration should be indicted on war crimes or not leads me to wonder...."How much is too much?"

Does the media give us too much information regarding government affairs? I know they give us too much regarding the average person, the famous and the not so famous! I really don't care about most of that in my daily life and the big picture! But regarding our country and what it takes to keep us safe, how much do I want to know?

I think there is a fine line on this one! Of course there are laws and guidelines and rules that our leaders have to operate within, and there are those that hold them accountable, but do we as citizens really need to know the exact details of what happens to keep us in a world where we don't really need to worry about "surviving" in the "war" sense of the word? I would like to know where we were able to come up with 700 billion dollars to bailout some bad decisions! Mostly because I want to know how it's going to get paid back.

There is a reason why the government has to keep information from the general public and I believe it is for our own good. We cannot see the bigger picture. We do not have specialists, lawyers, advisors etc that are informing us of every possible threat, document, scenario of "what if" and I like it that way. I don't want to know how many terrorists live in the country, or what they are planning or how they are planning to do it.

I want to get my kids up in the morning, get them to school and go about my day and then tuck them in bed at night and then pray and thank the soldiers and law enforcement that make my world a place where I don't have to watch my back. I get frustrated when the media wants to tell me every little detail in the name of "information" when some of that information I don't believe we should know about. They could fill the news ways with a bit more good information, that would be nice!

Friday, November 14, 2008

"Obamamercial..." My thoughts on a classmates blog at Rearview Politics

Obamamercial...infomercial? I feel like this election was media driven and way too expensive for what it gave to us in return!

Did we ever really get through the glamour and hollywood experience to find out what is really going on? No....I don't think so. To me there are way too many unanswered questions, too much money spent and way too much negative campaigning!

I really wanted to hear "how" there was going to be change and "where" the money was coming from to do it! It will be interesting to see "what" will change over the next 4 years!

I definitely agree that specifics in this election, no matter what side of the political fence anyone is on, would have been a welcomed approach. Especially in the last month or so of the election...we heard the promises, the negative campaigning and how much Palin spent on clothes...but how about that deficit?

I agree that Ross Perot doesn't match up to Obama's charisma, but I would welcome some good 'ole fashioned down to Texas "talk" about now!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

And about that Electoral College...

How does a candidate win the popular vote and not become President??? That good ole Electoral College, that's how. I personally think it should be eliminated. Wouldn't it be great to have a good 'ole fashioned showdown? All the candidates working for our vote and may the best man....or woman....win!!

I believe that the general population feels like their vote does not count, to the point of not being interested or involved in politics in general. If and when people cast their ballot and the final decision is made by representatives of each state....what's the point? The point is that it's ridiculous to those of us that see the whole process as completely confusing!

Wouldn't it be nice.....great!.... if we could study the candidates for months, some for years, before an election. Make our decision, go to the polls and vote and know that is where we counted the most!! Whichever candidate wins the popular vote, wins the election! I realize that in 1787 there were decisions to be made and issues to be solved, but I really don't believe the system works today.

This election is heated....to say the least. There are a few firsts in this one.... 1st black man running for president, 1st woman actually on a ticket for vice president, the most amount of money spent on an election.... lots of emotion involved for some. I believe that more of the middle to low income base of the population would vote and be more involved if each vote counted for that.....1 vote. My vote, your vote..... nothing would change that. Every state should be a battleground state, every persons vote should be competed for!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dollars and (doesn't make) Sense...

Over this past week I have been reading through blogs, articles and commentaries from writers on both the left and right side of the game. What is interesting to me is that it is very hard to find anything positive! A lot of articles are written, a lot of words are used to say very little!

I finally settled on a blog that talks about the spending amounts of each candidate, it leans toward supporting the McCain crew and has pulled from several different sources. The site is christiansciencemonitor and has several interesting articles. It's not one of my favorite sites but the article caught my attention.

The article talks about how much is being spent on the election. It is disturbing to watch how this election and economy crisis is playing out. First of all I agree with a statement that the author quoted by Joe Trippi, he stated "Most people are looking at the financial crisis, looking at their 401 (k)s, and in between they're seeing the two candidates beat the living daylights out of each other and rolling their eyes." I believe that the general population is tired. Tired of the fighting, tired of the lying, tired of the spending. The government and the candidates spend money like it's just a piece of paper, which by now it probably is, and move on through their day thinking that they have accomplished something! But in the end, when they are out of office there is still a huge bill to pay. I realize that a substantial amount of Obama's is funding is by special interest groups but good grief! $195 million? "They" say it like its not that much money! And then McCain with his trailing $99 million. Poor thing.

When you look at the amount of money the goverment spent in the "bailout," the money that is now being sent to the financial institutions to "support" the economy from other countries, the money the candidates spend on putting their faces on tv.... it's appalling! And anyone that has anything to do with Wall Street is panicking and us worker bee's can't make ends meet! Maybe the candidates and special interests could lobby and put money toward the national debt, bail out the lending corps and send all of us another "stimulus check."

I guess I am starting to feel an uneasy "us" against "them" feeling. I really don't feel like the candidates have our best interest at heart. Maybe because they are so busy chasing their tails and defending themselves they don't have time in 30 second commercials to talk about what the positives are and what their "real" agenda's are. Just "talk straight" would be what I would say to each of them.....tell me what you want to do with our country and leave out all the crap! It all just feels like chaos and how do we get straight answers?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Who is paying the bill?

Ok...here we go. Joe Citizen applies for a loan, The Bank gives him the loan. Joe Citizen can't pay the loan, government bails out the bank....priceless! Or should I say expensive!! And where as a taxpayer do I fit into this?? Am I paying the government to bail out the banks, or am I helping the banks bail out the people that they shouldn't have loaned to in the first place. Are there stricter rules on loaning money now? Or is everyone just focused on the bailout and how it helps the election and we will just deal with it later???

I read half a dozen editorials, most of them were at thehill.com and one that I have read a couple of times is called "Debacle." The article itself commented on the bailout package not passing the first time around on Monday and how Democrats and Republicans alike were scrambling trying to convince each what to do, all while Wall Street hangs in the balance. Millions of investors from big business to the "little guy" were moving stocks around and watching to see what was going to happen next. What I got out of it is that too many Democrats and Republicans don't like what is happening, but "we have to do something!" (Maybe we should add "even if it's wrong!")

Does anyone really know what is going on at this point? Or is it time for a "recess?" The bill is passed and now we are $700 Billion Dollars further in debt. Anyone for coffee??

So now what?? We focus on the election and which party this "helped" the most? What about the financial institutions that were just "rescued?" Do they continue with business as usual? It amazes me how fast this was put together and passed! As you can probably tell I do not agree with the "band-aid" fix that we just put on a festering economy. How many band-aids are left before we finally decide to try get the right medication??

Friday, September 19, 2008

I blame....

The blame game. It has gone on for hundreds of years! It goes on in my living room everynight with my children!! And it's going on right now all over our government in regards to the Corporate Bailouts! It's the Republicans, it's the Democrats, or this is a new one.... the President himself!

I read several articles and commentaries on the topic and there was not one of them that gives an answer to what is really happening. I don't think there is an answer because everyone is too busy blaming the "other" person for the bubble bursting!

I like Cavuto because he is so blunt. The article was "Who Pays for Corporate Bailouts? And is Bush to Blame for Chaos on Wall Street? It is at foxnews.com if you are interested. The interview is with Congressman Gary Meeks D-N.Y. and a member of the House Financial Services Committee. He basically stated that he and the Democrats tried to tell the administration 2 years ago about Freddie and Fannie.

I personally believe that EVERYONE - the Democrates, Republicans and everyone in between should just shut-up and sit down and quit worrying about "who" did it and figure out "what" we are going to do about it!! I am tired of all the promises from all the candidates about how the economy will improve when they are elected. Show us "how" you are going to make the economy stronger and help us all sleep a little better at night!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008