Friday, October 17, 2008

Dollars and (doesn't make) Sense...

Over this past week I have been reading through blogs, articles and commentaries from writers on both the left and right side of the game. What is interesting to me is that it is very hard to find anything positive! A lot of articles are written, a lot of words are used to say very little!

I finally settled on a blog that talks about the spending amounts of each candidate, it leans toward supporting the McCain crew and has pulled from several different sources. The site is christiansciencemonitor and has several interesting articles. It's not one of my favorite sites but the article caught my attention.

The article talks about how much is being spent on the election. It is disturbing to watch how this election and economy crisis is playing out. First of all I agree with a statement that the author quoted by Joe Trippi, he stated "Most people are looking at the financial crisis, looking at their 401 (k)s, and in between they're seeing the two candidates beat the living daylights out of each other and rolling their eyes." I believe that the general population is tired. Tired of the fighting, tired of the lying, tired of the spending. The government and the candidates spend money like it's just a piece of paper, which by now it probably is, and move on through their day thinking that they have accomplished something! But in the end, when they are out of office there is still a huge bill to pay. I realize that a substantial amount of Obama's is funding is by special interest groups but good grief! $195 million? "They" say it like its not that much money! And then McCain with his trailing $99 million. Poor thing.

When you look at the amount of money the goverment spent in the "bailout," the money that is now being sent to the financial institutions to "support" the economy from other countries, the money the candidates spend on putting their faces on tv.... it's appalling! And anyone that has anything to do with Wall Street is panicking and us worker bee's can't make ends meet! Maybe the candidates and special interests could lobby and put money toward the national debt, bail out the lending corps and send all of us another "stimulus check."

I guess I am starting to feel an uneasy "us" against "them" feeling. I really don't feel like the candidates have our best interest at heart. Maybe because they are so busy chasing their tails and defending themselves they don't have time in 30 second commercials to talk about what the positives are and what their "real" agenda's are. Just "talk straight" would be what I would say to each of them.....tell me what you want to do with our country and leave out all the crap! It all just feels like chaos and how do we get straight answers?

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