Tuesday, December 9, 2008

response to gun control topic

this is in response to classmates blog on gun control at "Our Free* Country"

In light of our recent elections and our President elect's view on gun control - I completely agree with you!I do not believe we should be forced to compromise one of our constitutional rights just to get another! I believe that as long as we follow the guidelines set for owning a firearm, and take the time to educate our children and ourselves in the use and safety then we have every right to own it.I am a parent and I take full responsibility in the education of safety with my boys (and I am the mom!). I completely believe that with common sense and education gun ownership is my right, but it is also a responsibility I don't take lightly. I also believe that if someone doesn't like guns, or believe that we shouldn't have them, then don't own one. I know that if I was put in a situation of self defense I would not have any problem protecting me or my children with a gun.I also know that the criminals will get whatever guns they want and will use them. Our law enforcement should be one step ahead, not behind...but that's another blog!

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