Friday, October 31, 2008

And about that Electoral College...

How does a candidate win the popular vote and not become President??? That good ole Electoral College, that's how. I personally think it should be eliminated. Wouldn't it be great to have a good 'ole fashioned showdown? All the candidates working for our vote and may the best man....or!!

I believe that the general population feels like their vote does not count, to the point of not being interested or involved in politics in general. If and when people cast their ballot and the final decision is made by representatives of each state....what's the point? The point is that it's ridiculous to those of us that see the whole process as completely confusing!

Wouldn't it be nice.....great!.... if we could study the candidates for months, some for years, before an election. Make our decision, go to the polls and vote and know that is where we counted the most!! Whichever candidate wins the popular vote, wins the election! I realize that in 1787 there were decisions to be made and issues to be solved, but I really don't believe the system works today.

This election is say the least. There are a few firsts in this one.... 1st black man running for president, 1st woman actually on a ticket for vice president, the most amount of money spent on an election.... lots of emotion involved for some. I believe that more of the middle to low income base of the population would vote and be more involved if each vote counted for that.....1 vote. My vote, your vote..... nothing would change that. Every state should be a battleground state, every persons vote should be competed for!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I completely understand where many people's concerns stem regarding the electoral college. I know that for the longest time I was very skeptical myself of this system. At first glance having a select few American's vote being the deciding factor for the presidential elections seems unfair. "Does my vote carry any weight?"

Yes, it does.

What people fail to realize is that the electoral college consists of persons WE have elected in the first place. Therefore, if we choose them shouldn't they have the same political ideals as us? There isn't much stipulation as to who can be nominated except for three things: they cannot be a member of Congress, cannot be a high ranking US official, or has rebelled against the US. That sounds fair to me.

Not only that but most states have a "winner-takes-all" mentality when it comes to the presidential elections. So, normally the candidate that wins the popular vote will also win all the electoral votes of that state. Plus, most states highly discourage electors to vote outside their claimed party. "Faithless Electors" can not only possibly lose their electoral seat, but some states can charge them hefty fines and misdemeanors.

So, even though I may agree that the electoral system is flawed (like most things man made) knowing how it works sets my mind at ease.

I still feel like I have a voice.