Friday, October 3, 2008

Who is paying the bill? we go. Joe Citizen applies for a loan, The Bank gives him the loan. Joe Citizen can't pay the loan, government bails out the bank....priceless! Or should I say expensive!! And where as a taxpayer do I fit into this?? Am I paying the government to bail out the banks, or am I helping the banks bail out the people that they shouldn't have loaned to in the first place. Are there stricter rules on loaning money now? Or is everyone just focused on the bailout and how it helps the election and we will just deal with it later???

I read half a dozen editorials, most of them were at and one that I have read a couple of times is called "Debacle." The article itself commented on the bailout package not passing the first time around on Monday and how Democrats and Republicans alike were scrambling trying to convince each what to do, all while Wall Street hangs in the balance. Millions of investors from big business to the "little guy" were moving stocks around and watching to see what was going to happen next. What I got out of it is that too many Democrats and Republicans don't like what is happening, but "we have to do something!" (Maybe we should add "even if it's wrong!")

Does anyone really know what is going on at this point? Or is it time for a "recess?" The bill is passed and now we are $700 Billion Dollars further in debt. Anyone for coffee??

So now what?? We focus on the election and which party this "helped" the most? What about the financial institutions that were just "rescued?" Do they continue with business as usual? It amazes me how fast this was put together and passed! As you can probably tell I do not agree with the "band-aid" fix that we just put on a festering economy. How many band-aids are left before we finally decide to try get the right medication??

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