Tuesday, December 9, 2008

response to gun control topic

this is in response to classmates blog on gun control at "Our Free* Country"

In light of our recent elections and our President elect's view on gun control - I completely agree with you!I do not believe we should be forced to compromise one of our constitutional rights just to get another! I believe that as long as we follow the guidelines set for owning a firearm, and take the time to educate our children and ourselves in the use and safety then we have every right to own it.I am a parent and I take full responsibility in the education of safety with my boys (and I am the mom!). I completely believe that with common sense and education gun ownership is my right, but it is also a responsibility I don't take lightly. I also believe that if someone doesn't like guns, or believe that we shouldn't have them, then don't own one. I know that if I was put in a situation of self defense I would not have any problem protecting me or my children with a gun.I also know that the criminals will get whatever guns they want and will use them. Our law enforcement should be one step ahead, not behind...but that's another blog!

How much is too much?

In light of our recent question as to whether or not the Bush Administration should be indicted on war crimes or not leads me to wonder...."How much is too much?"

Does the media give us too much information regarding government affairs? I know they give us too much regarding the average person, the famous and the not so famous! I really don't care about most of that in my daily life and the big picture! But regarding our country and what it takes to keep us safe, how much do I want to know?

I think there is a fine line on this one! Of course there are laws and guidelines and rules that our leaders have to operate within, and there are those that hold them accountable, but do we as citizens really need to know the exact details of what happens to keep us in a world where we don't really need to worry about "surviving" in the "war" sense of the word? I would like to know where we were able to come up with 700 billion dollars to bailout some bad decisions! Mostly because I want to know how it's going to get paid back.

There is a reason why the government has to keep information from the general public and I believe it is for our own good. We cannot see the bigger picture. We do not have specialists, lawyers, advisors etc that are informing us of every possible threat, document, scenario of "what if" and I like it that way. I don't want to know how many terrorists live in the country, or what they are planning or how they are planning to do it.

I want to get my kids up in the morning, get them to school and go about my day and then tuck them in bed at night and then pray and thank the soldiers and law enforcement that make my world a place where I don't have to watch my back. I get frustrated when the media wants to tell me every little detail in the name of "information" when some of that information I don't believe we should know about. They could fill the news ways with a bit more good information, that would be nice!